44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO)
March 22-24, 2020, 2019 at the Marriott Tucson University Park, Tucson, Arizona
Call for Abstracts & Registration now open! Submit an Abstract AND Register at: https://aspo.org/annual-meeting/
(preliminary program and more info available at this link. Your 2020 dues must be paid in order to register at the member rate.) Please share the Call for Abstracts with the attached flyer!
Abstract deadline: November 11, 2019
The program committee, chaired by Tim Rebbeck and Kate Weaver, has developed an extraordinary program:
Symposium 1: Community Science Initiatives
Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH, Washington University School of Medicine, Reducing cancer disparities among rural and medically underserved populations
Jennifer Bea, PhD, University of Arizona Cancer Center, Restoring balance in Indian Country
Bruce Rapkin, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Aligning health system and community efforts to promote cancer prevention and control.
Linda Ko, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Community-academic partnerships: best practices, gaps and opportunities.
Karen M. Winkfield, MD, PhD, Wake Forest Baptist Health, #BlackHealthMatters: Improving cancer care in Winston-Salem, NC.
Symposium 2: Precision Prevention vs. Population Prevention (Debate),
Speakers: Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, Boston University
Muin Khoury, MD, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Symposium 3: Social and Molecular Influences on Health Disparities
Scarlett Gomez, PhD, MPH, UC – San Francisco, Building infrastructures to study contextual and molecular influences of health disparities: Application of multilevel social frameworks.
Timothy Rebbeck, PhD, Harvard School of Medicine, Integration of molecular and social factors in understanding cancer disparities.
Camille Ragin, PhD, MPH, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Cancer in the African diaspora: examining social and molecular levels of influence.
Jesse Plascak, PhD, MPH, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Large-scale assessment of social environmental factors for linkage to epigenetic profiles among a cohort of breast cancer survivors.
Symposium 4: Mind the Gap: Implementation of Evidence-based Approaches in Cancer Control
Lucy Spalluto, MD, Vanderbilt University, Current lung cancer screening strategies in the Veterans Health Administration
April Oh, PhD, MPH, National Cancer Institute, DCCPS, Speeding uptake of evidence- based interventions into practice: Lessons learned from the NCI’s SPRINT Program.
Hoda Badr, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, Down the rabbit hole: Experiences of an NCI SPRINT program participant
Melissa Simon, MD, Northwestern University, Title: TBD
- Four proferred paper sessions selected from submitted abstracts
- Monday night poster session & reception
- Special events for junior and senior members
- Sunday evening social event (more info to follow)
Unique Features: At each ASPO meeting, we feature sessions designed for the varying needs of our members such as:
- Junior & Senior Member Events
- Associate Director/Program Leader Workshop (March 21-22: separate registration in addition to ASPO full conference)
- ASPO Business Meeting
- ASPO Distinguished Achievement Awardee
- Joseph Cullen Awardee for work in Tobacco Control
- American Cancer Society Travel Awards for underrepresented groups
- Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award for pre- or post-doc highest ranking abstract
- ASPO-sponsored travel awards
- Advertisements: Purchase an ad in the program advertising your Cancer Center or career openings
- Exhibitors: Space for exhibitors in the registration area
Please consider being a part of this meeting. For more information about the meeting please go to: https://aspo.org/annual-meeting/