Executive Committee Elections

There are three open seats on the ASPO Executive Committee – President-Elect, Secretary Treasurer, and Director-at-Large. Terms will start at the close of the 2025 Annual Meeting. Voting will be open December 16 through January 6, and results will be announced in the January ASPO newsletter 

The Executive Committee works in partnership with the National Office to lead the organization, provide strategic direction, and ensure financial stability. Descriptions of each role are available here.

Candidates and their bios are listed below.


Allison Burton-Chase, PhD

Salma Shariff-Marco, PhD, MPH

Secretary Treasurer

Marvin Langston, PhD, MPH

Ramzi Salloum, PhD


Avonne Connor, PhD, MPH

Jessica Faupel-Badger, PhD, MPH

Hazel Nichols, PhD

Suzanne O’Neill, PhD


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