Microbiome Research in Cancer Prevention Webinar
ASPO Lifestyle Behaviors, Energy Balance, and Chemoprevention SIG Webinar
Microbiome research in cancer prevention
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020, 3-4 p.m. EST
To view the webinar visit, https://cwru.zoom.us/rec/share/35NHEauhrn5OG5XQxAbNWeknJaPsX6a80HUZ-vUEmEq2NMsOBC4TVt1G2KBjDye8
Research into the microbiome has the potential to expand our understanding of the link between diet, lifestyle and chronic disease. In this webinar, the group explored sample collection, data analysis, and the rationale for studying the microbiome and cancer risk and discussed recent findings in this area.
Relationship of diet and lifestyle factors to the human microbiome
Johanna Lampe, PhD, RD, Associate Director, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutch, Research Professor, Epidemiology, University of Washington
Collection and analysis of microbiome samples
Emily Vogtmann, PhD, MPH, Earl Stadtman Investigator, Metabolic Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epi & Genetics, National Cancer Institute
The microbiome and cancer risk: recent findings
Jiyoung Ahn, PhD, Associate Professor, NYU School of Medicine, Associate Director of Population Science, NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center