Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award
The ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr. Distinguished Achievement Award is extended annually to an outstanding scientist in the area of preventive oncology, cancer control, and/or cancer prevention.
Please join us in congratulating Robert A. Hiatt, MD, PhD as this year’s Fraumeni Award Winner. Dr. Hiatt is an Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and also the Associate Director of Population Sciences for the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC).
Joseph W. Cullen Memorial Award
The Joseph W. Cullen Memorial Award aims to appreciate an individual’s distinguished achievement in continued national tobacco control interventions, through research, through the development of prevention and cessation programs with wide-reaching public health impact, or through public policy and advocacy initiatives. Congratulations to this year’s recipient, Dr. Jamie Ostroff!
Distinguished Service Award
The ASPO Distinguished Service Awards are given periodically to those individuals who have gone above and beyond in their service to the Society. This year, Dr. Henry Ciolino is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.
The 2024 Fraumeni Award recipient was Melissa Bondy, Ph.D., of Stanford University! Dr. Bondy earned a Ph.D. in epidemiology from the University of Texas School of Public Health. She then dedicated nearly three decades of her career to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Baylor College of Medicine, serving as Director of the Childhood Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Center- a joint center of Baylor College of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Texas Children’s Hospital. Later, she became the Associate Director of Cancer Prevention Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine’s Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center.
Matthew Carpenter, Ph.D., of the Medical University of South Carolina, was the 2024 Cullen Award Recipient! Dr. Carpenter is a visionary thinker and key opinion leader within the field of nicotine and tobacco research. He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Vermont and currently serves as a Tenured Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).
The 47th Annual Meeting was held March 12-14, 2023 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.
The 2023 ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award winner was Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, PhD, RD, from the University of Alabama. Dr. Demark-Wahnefried was nominated by Cynthia Thomson, PhD, RD, University of Arizona, and Karen Basen-Engquist, PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
The 2023 Joseph Cullen Award in Tobacco Research winner was Vani Nath Simmons, PhD, from Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Simmons was nominated by Thomas Brandon, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center.
Travel Award Winners
12th Annual Electra Paskett Travel Award for the Top-Ranked Pre- or Post-doctoral Fellow Abstract
Zhengyi Deng, PhD, Stanford School of Medicine
Lifetime Body Weight Trajectories and Risk of Kidney Cancer: A Large US Prospective Cohort Study
Maci Winn, BS, University of Utah School of Medicine
Incident Diabetes by Obesity-Related Cancer Status and Cancer Treatment Type: A Prospective Study Using Electronic Medical Records Data
ASPO Travel Awards for Top-Ranked Abstracts
Erin Hirsch, MSPH, MSCS, PhD(c), University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Prevalence of USPSTF Recommended Cancer Screenings Among Individuals Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening: An Analysis of the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey
Jennifer Ish, MS, PhD, NIEHS
Residential Proximity to Carcinogenic Industrial Air Emissions and Breast Cancer Incidence in a United States-wide Prospective Cohort
Yoonji Kim, PhD, University of California, Irvine
Association Between Clinical, Demographic Factors, and Substance Use Among Young Adult Survivors of
Childhood Cancer
American Cancer Society 11th Annual Calle/Rodrigurez Minority Travel Award for a Top-Ranked Abstract (Funded by the American Cancer Society)
Marlene Camacho-Rivera, ScD MS MPH, SUNY Downstate School of Public Health
Exploring Sociocultural Influences on Colorectal Cancer Screening among Latino Men: Results from a Multi-State Survey
Dornell Pete, MPH, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Assessing Helicobacter Pylori Infections among Adults from the Navajo Nation
Awards Funded by the National Cancer Institute
Livingstone Aduse-Poku, BSN, MPH, University of Florida
Associations of Fat Mass and Sarcopenia with All-Cause and Cancer-Specific Mortality in Cancer Survivors
Erika Biederman, BSN, PhD, Ohio State University Medical Center
A RCT of Two Interventions to Usual Care for Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening
Manoela Lima Oliveira, MS, RDN, LDN, University of Illinois at Chicago
Diet Quality and Fecal Bile Acid Composition
Yanning Wu, MS, Case Western Reserve University
Epigenetic Aging Differs by Race, Subtype and Social Vulnerability Index in Breast Cancer Patients
Michelle Sodipo, MPH, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Racial Disparities in Prostate Cancer Mortality Rates Partially Explained by Differences in Dietary and Lifestyle Factors
The 46th Annual Meeting, themed Toward Achieving Health Equity, was held March 13-15, 2022 at the Marriott Tucson University Park in Tucson, Arizona. Masked and vaccinated, attendees were excited to be back in person for the first time since 2019.
The 2022 ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award winner was Scarlett Lin Gomez, PhD. MPH, from UCSF. Dr. Gomez was nominated by Elena Martinez, UCSD Moores Cancer Center.
The 2022 Joseph Cullen Award in Tobacco Research winner was Thomas Eissenberg, PhD, from Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Eissenberg was nominated by Bernard Fuemmeier, Alison Breland, Andrew Barnes, Caroline Oates Cobb, and Eric Soule, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (funded by The American Cancer Society)
Ariel Washington, PhD, MSSW, University of Michigan
“Should I Give it to My Kids?”: Factors that Influence HPV Vaccine Hesitancy Among African American Parents
LeCario Benashley, BS, University of Arizona
Paclitaxel Treatment Effects on Neurofilament Light Chain (NF-L), a Possible Biomarker of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)
11th Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Travel Award for the Top-Ranked Pre- or Post-doctoral Fellow
Circe LeCompte, MS, ScD, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Understanding Cancer Genetic Risk Assessment Intentions in a Tailored Risk Communication Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial
Other ASPO Travel Awards Chosen from Top-ranked Abstracts
Chelsea Anderson, PhD, University of North Carolina
Adverse Urinary System Outcomes among Older Women with Endometrial Cancer
Moriah Bellissimo, PhD, RD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Changes in Physical Activity, Functional Capacity, and Cardiac Function during Breast Cancer Therapy
Amber Normann, MS, Boston University; DFCI
Improved Sleep Quality Is Associated with Reduced Insulin Resistance in Cancer Survivors Undertaking Circuit, Interval-Based Exercise
Shama Karanth, PhD, University of Florida
The Association Between Cancer and Alzheimer’s-Type Neuropathology: A Community-Based Cohort Study
The 45th Annual Meeting , themed around Health Equity, Culture, and Cancer, was held March 29 – April 1, 2021. For the second year, it was a virtual meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sessions were held live online, with recordings available to meeting registrants through the end of October 2021. More than 90 posters were presented, and ASPO’s second Twitter poster conference provided extra opportunities for interaction.
The 2021 ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award winner was Lucile Adams-Campbell, PhD, from Georgetown University Medical Center. Watch an interview with Dr. Adams-Campbell and her nominator, Dr. Karen Basen-Engquist.
The 2021 Joseph Cullen Award in Tobacco Research winner was Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé, Prevent Cancer Foundation. Watch an interview with Ms. Aldigé and her nominator, Dr. Bernard Levin.
ASPO also presented a Distinguished Service Award to Robert Croyle, PhD, National Cancer Institute for his years of dedicated service to ASPO. Dr. Croyle is retiring at the end of 2021.
Tenth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (funded by The American Cancer Society)
Jessica Islam, PhD, MPH, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Social Support and Mental Health during the COVID19-pandemic among cancer survivors: an analysis of the COVID Impact Survey
10th Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Registration Award for the Top-Ranked Pre- or Post-doctoral Fellow
Cassandra Hathaway, MPH, CPH, Moffitt Cancer Center
Improving Survey Response Rates Among Patients at a Cancer Center During a Global Pandemic
Other ASPO Registration Awards Chosen from Top-ranked Abstracts
Chelsea Anderson, PhD, University of North Carolina
Long-term patterns of excess mortality among endometrial cancer survivors
Jessica Austin, PhD, MPH, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
Voices of Community Organizations: How cancer centers can support communities in the face of COVID-19
Mandy Goldberg, PhD, MPH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Early-life exposures and age at breast development in the Sister Study cohort
Juliet Kroll, PhD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Feasibility of a group-based telehealth psychosocial intervention for women with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Bing Ying Poon, PhD, Kaiser Permanente Northern California
Patient Experience of Interpersonal Processes of Care and Subsequent Utilization of Hormone Therapy for Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer
The 44th Annual Meeting was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite having to transition just a few short weeks before the meeting was to take place in person, it was a great success. #ASPOweek was March 23-27, 2020. The bulk of the programming took place online during this week, but additional sessions were held throughout the spring and summer. Posters were available on the ASPO website, and many were also presented in ASPO’s first-ever Twitter conference, allowing for interaction on social media. Travel Awards were converted to registration awards.
The 2020 ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award winner was Jeanne Mandelblatt, MD, MPH, Georgetown University, Lombardi Cancer Center. Dr Mandelblatt’s award was presented to her at the 2021 meeting. Watch an interview with Dr. Mandelblatt and her nominator, Dr. Peter Kanetsky.
The 2020 Joseph Cullen Award in Tobacco Research winner was Paul Cinciripini, PhD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Cinciripini’s award was presented to him at the 2021 meeting. Watch an interview with Dr. Cinciripini and his nominator, Dr. Ernest Hawk.
Ninth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (funded by The American Cancer Society) went to:
Sachelly Julián-Serrano, MHSN, RDN, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
Hepcidin-regulating iron-metabolism genes and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a pathway analysis ofgenome-wide association studies
Humberto Parada, MPH, PhD, San Diego State University
Accelerometer-measured physical activity and breast cancer incidence in the WHI OPACH Study
Ninth Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Julia Butt, PhD, Duke Cancer Institute
Auto-antibodies to p53 and the subsequent development of colorectal cancer in a United States prospective cohort consortium
2020 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among early career investigators:
Brigid Grabert, PhD, JD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Implementation strategies for improving HPV vaccination in large healthcare systems
Xinwe Hua, MPH, PhDc, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Associations between post-treatment inflammatory biomarkers and survival among stage II-III colorectal cancer patients
Anne Julian, PhD, National Cancer Institute
Do-It-Yourself Sunscreen Tutorials on YouTube
Kevin Kensler, ScD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
PSA Testing and Prostate Cancer Incidence Following the 2012 Update to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Prostate Cancer Screening Recommendation: Implications for Racial/Ethnic Disparities
Yazmin San Miguel, MPH, University of California San Diego
Abnormal Stool Blood Tests and Colorectal Cancer Mortality in a Large United States Cohort
The 43rd annual meeting took place March 10-12, 2019 at the Hilton Downtown Hotel in Tampa, Florida, and it was the second largest ASPO conference with 420 attendees. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Anna Giuliano, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Research Center. Dr. Giuliano’s presentation was titled: A 30 Year Journey from Cervical Cancer Control to Elimination of HPV-Related Cancers.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to James Sargent, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. His presentation was, Corporate Products, Science and Public Health.
Eighth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Andres Ardisson Korat, ScD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Channing Division of Network Medicine,A Prospective Analysis of Red Blood Cell Trans Fatty Acid Levels and Risk of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
Serena Rodriguez, PhD, MPH, University of Texas Southwest Medical Center,Delivering Cervical Cancer Screening and Follow-up to Women with HIV in an Integrated Safety Net Setting
Eighth Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Juhan Lee, BA, University of Florida,Negative Affect and Utilization of Evidence-Based Tobacco Treatment among Adults with Cancer
2019 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among early career investigators:
Oluwole Babatunde, MBBS, MPH, University of South Carolina
A Comparison of Mortality-to-Incidence Ratio with Survival Analyses in Assessing Racial Breast Cancer Disparities Across South Carolina Counties
Xiaochen Zhang, MPH, The Ohio State University
The Mediation Effect of Body Image on Physical Activity and Psychological Health in Older Female Cancer Survivors
Paige Lake, MPH, University of South Florida
“It’s a Prescription, not an Addiction”: Exploring Health Care Provider and Advocate Perceptions of Opioid Use Among Cancer Survivors
Best Poster Awards went to:
Best Poster Overall: Kathrin Milbury, PhD, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Dyadic Yoga Program for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy and their Family Caregivers, Milbury K, Rosenthal D, Ngo-Huang A, Fuller C, Mallaiah S, Durrani S, Bruera E, Cohen L.
Honorable Mention: Cathleen Xing, MPH, Rutgers School of Public Health
Clinicopathologic Consequences of Allostatic Load among Black Women with Breast Cancer, Xing CY, Lin Y, Bandera EV, Hong CC, Plascak JJ, Qin B, Doose M, Demissie K, Ambrosone C, Llanos AAM.
Honorable Mention: Melissa Orenduff, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Potential Tumor Suppressive Role for IGFBP7 in Pancreatic Cancer,
Orenduff MC, Kok DEG, Hursting SD.
Honorable Mention: Yayi Zhao, MA, Moffitt Cancer Center
Association Between Recent Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and Cutaneous Beta Human Papillomavirus Infection,
Zhao Y, Fenske N, Cherpelis B, Messina J, Giuliano AR, Mckay-Chopin S, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Rollison DE.
Top Trainee Poster Awards went to:
Yong-Moon Park, PhD, NIH/NIEHS
Dietary Inflammatory Potential, Oxidative Balance Score, and Risk of Breast Cancer,
Park YM, Shivappa N, Petimar J, Hodgson ME, Steck SE, Halbert JR, Sandler DP.
Jennifer Ferris, PhD, Columbia University
Hormonal and Reproductive Risk Factors for First and Second Primary Ovarian Cancer in a Cohort Enriched for Increased Familial Risk, the Breast Cancer Family Registry.
Ferris JS, Terr MB, Andrulis IL, Buys SS, Daly MB, John EM, Hopper JL, Genkinger JM.
The 42nd annual meeting took place March 10-13, 2018 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York, NY, and it was the largest ASPO conference ever with 514 attendees. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Beti Thompson, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Thompson’s presentation was titled: “A Life of Health Disparities: Four Stores”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to Thomas Brandon, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. His presentation was, “Tobacco Research and Control: We Live in Interesting Times”.
Seventh Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Elizabeth Cespedes Feliciano, ScD, ScM, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, “Overall and Visceral Adiposity are Associated with Incident Cardiovascular Disease Among Breast Cancer Patients: Results from the B-SCANS Study”.
Yamile Molina, MS, MPH, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, “Empowering Latinas to Obtain Breast Cancer Screenings: Comparing Intervention Effects, Part 2”
Seventh Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Ana Florea, MPH, BS, University of Arizona College of Public Health, “Ethnic Disparities in Gastric Cancer Presentation and Screening Practice in the United States: An Analysis of 1997-2010 SEER-Medicare Data”
2018 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among early career investigators:
Joshua Demb, MPH, University of California – San Francisco
Cumulative Incidence of Non-Breast Cancer Mortality and Breast Cancer Risk by Comorbidity and Age Among Older Women Undergoing Screening Mammography: The Medicare-linked Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Cohort Study
Chunze Duan, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Family History of Melanoma and Lifetime Patterns of Daytime Hours Spent Outdoors in Melanoma-prone Families
Jessica McNeil, Postdoctoral Fellow, Alberta Health Services, Alberta, Canada
Sleep and Cancer Incidence in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project Cohort
Best Poster Awards went to:
Best Poster Overall: Laura Martel, BS, University of Utah,
Few know that radon gas leads to lung cancer in EPA-defined moderate to high radon counties in Utah, Martel L, Gee A, Akerley W, Harding G, Ou J, Iichhoff A, Kepka D.
Honorable Mention: Nicole Deziel, PhD, MHS, Yale School of Public Health
Exposure to organophosphate flame retardants and thyroid cancer risk in women, Deziel NC, Yi H, Stapleton HM, Huang H, Zhao N, Zhang Y
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Lund, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Associate between concomitant hydrochlorothiazide use and neutropenia-related hospitalizations among older breast and colon cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, Lund JL, Hinton SP, Hsu C, Sturmer T, Reeder-Hayes KE, Sanoff HK.
Honorable Mention: Katherine Sterba, PhD, MPH, Medical University of South Carolina
Development of a specialized head and neck cancer survivorship care plan, Sterba KR, Zapka J, Scallion M, Rudolph N, Armeson K, Wall TK, Graboyes EM, Day T
Top Trainee Poster Awards went to:
Megan Sutter, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Disparities in colorectal cancer screening: Intersectionality of gender, race, and sexual orientation, Sutter ME, Meade CD, and Gwede CK
Sarah Mills, PhD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Disparities in retail marketing for menthol cigarettes in the United States, 2015, Mills SD, Henriksen L, Golden SD, Kurtzman R, Kong AY, Queen TL, Ribisl KM.
The 42nd annual meeting took place March 10-13, 2018 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York, NY, and it was the largest ASPO conference ever with 514 attendees. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Beti Thompson, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Thompson’s presentation was titled: “A Life of Health Disparities: Four Stores”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to Thomas Brandon, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. His presentation was, “Tobacco Research and Control: We Live in Interesting Times”.
Seventh Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Elizabeth Cespedes Feliciano, ScD, ScM, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, “Overall and Visceral Adiposity are Associated with Incident Cardiovascular Disease Among Breast Cancer Patients: Results from the B-SCANS Study”.
Yamile Molina, MS, MPH, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, “Empowering Latinas to Obtain Breast Cancer Screenings: Comparing Intervention Effects, Part 2”
Seventh Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Ana Florea, MPH, BS, University of Arizona College of Public Health, “Ethnic Disparities in Gastric Cancer Presentation and Screening Practice in the United States: An Analysis of 1997-2010 SEER-Medicare Data”
2018 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among early career investigators:
Joshua Demb, MPH, University of California – San Francisco
Cumulative Incidence of Non-Breast Cancer Mortality and Breast Cancer Risk by Comorbidity and Age Among Older Women Undergoing Screening Mammography: The Medicare-linked Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Cohort Study
Chunze Duan, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Family History of Melanoma and Lifetime Patterns of Daytime Hours Spent Outdoors in Melanoma-prone Families
Jessica McNeil, Postdoctoral Fellow, Alberta Health Services, Alberta, Canada
Sleep and Cancer Incidence in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project Cohort
Best Poster Awards went to:
Best Poster Overall: Laura Martel, BS, University of Utah,
Few know that radon gas leads to lung cancer in EPA-defined moderate to high radon counties in Utah, Martel L, Gee A, Akerley W, Harding G, Ou J, Iichhoff A, Kepka D.
Honorable Mention: Nicole Deziel, PhD, MHS, Yale School of Public Health
Exposure to organophosphate flame retardants and thyroid cancer risk in women, Deziel NC, Yi H, Stapleton HM, Huang H, Zhao N, Zhang Y
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Lund, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Associate between concomitant hydrochlorothiazide use and neutropenia-related hospitalizations among older breast and colon cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, Lund JL, Hinton SP, Hsu C, Sturmer T, Reeder-Hayes KE, Sanoff HK.
Honorable Mention: Katherine Sterba, PhD, MPH, Medical University of South Carolina
Development of a specialized head and neck cancer survivorship care plan, Sterba KR, Zapka J, Scallion M, Rudolph N, Armeson K, Wall TK, Graboyes EM, Day T
Top Trainee Poster Awards went to:
Megan Sutter, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Disparities in colorectal cancer screening: Intersectionality of gender, race, and sexual orientation, Sutter ME, Meade CD, and Gwede CK
Sarah Mills, PhD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Disparities in retail marketing for menthol cigarettes in the United States, 2015, Mills SD, Henriksen L, Golden SD, Kurtzman R, Kong AY, Queen TL, Ribisl KM.
The 42nd annual meeting took place March 10-13, 2018 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York, NY, and it was the largest ASPO conference ever with 514 attendees. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Beti Thompson, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Thompson’s presentation was titled: “A Life of Health Disparities: Four Stores”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to Thomas Brandon, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. His presentation was, “Tobacco Research and Control: We Live in Interesting Times”.
Seventh Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Elizabeth Cespedes Feliciano, ScD, ScM, Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, “Overall and Visceral Adiposity are Associated with Incident Cardiovascular Disease Among Breast Cancer Patients: Results from the B-SCANS Study”.
Yamile Molina, MS, MPH, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, “Empowering Latinas to Obtain Breast Cancer Screenings: Comparing Intervention Effects, Part 2”
Seventh Annual Electra Paskett Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Ana Florea, MPH, BS, University of Arizona College of Public Health, “Ethnic Disparities in Gastric Cancer Presentation and Screening Practice in the United States: An Analysis of 1997-2010 SEER-Medicare Data”
2018 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among early career investigators:
Joshua Demb, MPH, University of California – San Francisco
Cumulative Incidence of Non-Breast Cancer Mortality and Breast Cancer Risk by Comorbidity and Age Among Older Women Undergoing Screening Mammography: The Medicare-linked Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Cohort Study
Chunze Duan, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Family History of Melanoma and Lifetime Patterns of Daytime Hours Spent Outdoors in Melanoma-prone Families
Jessica McNeil, Postdoctoral Fellow, Alberta Health Services, Alberta, Canada
Sleep and Cancer Incidence in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project Cohort
Best Poster Awards went to:
Best Poster Overall: Laura Martel, BS, University of Utah,
Few know that radon gas leads to lung cancer in EPA-defined moderate to high radon counties in Utah, Martel L, Gee A, Akerley W, Harding G, Ou J, Iichhoff A, Kepka D.
Honorable Mention: Nicole Deziel, PhD, MHS, Yale School of Public Health
Exposure to organophosphate flame retardants and thyroid cancer risk in women, Deziel NC, Yi H, Stapleton HM, Huang H, Zhao N, Zhang Y
Honorable Mention: Jennifer Lund, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Associate between concomitant hydrochlorothiazide use and neutropenia-related hospitalizations among older breast and colon cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, Lund JL, Hinton SP, Hsu C, Sturmer T, Reeder-Hayes KE, Sanoff HK.
Honorable Mention: Katherine Sterba, PhD, MPH, Medical University of South Carolina
Development of a specialized head and neck cancer survivorship care plan, Sterba KR, Zapka J, Scallion M, Rudolph N, Armeson K, Wall TK, Graboyes EM, Day T
Top Trainee Poster Awards went to:
Megan Sutter, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Disparities in colorectal cancer screening: Intersectionality of gender, race, and sexual orientation, Sutter ME, Meade CD, and Gwede CK
Sarah Mills, PhD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Disparities in retail marketing for menthol cigarettes in the United States, 2015, Mills SD, Henriksen L, Golden SD, Kurtzman R, Kong AY, Queen TL, Ribisl KM.
The 41st annual meeting of the ASPO took place March 11-14, 2017 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Seattle, Washington. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Timothy Rebbeck, PhD, Harvard University School of Public Health. His presentation was titled: “Precision Prevention of Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to Kurt Ribisl, PhD, University of North Carolina. His presentation was, “Finding Solutions for Tobacco-related Disparties”.
Sixth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Albert Farias, PhD, University of Houston, “Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Use and Discontinuation of Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy by Hormone-receptor Status in Association with Mortality among Breast Cancer Patients Enrolled in Medicare Part D”.
Melanie Kornides, ScD, Harvard University, “Parents Who Decline HPV Vaccination: Who Later Accepts and Why?”
Sixth Annual Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Megan Mullins, MPH, University of Michigan, “Explaining Disparities in Ovarian Cancer Incidence Rates between Women of African and European Ancestry: The Role of Genetic Factors”
2017 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among junior investigators:
1. Brittany Bernardo, MPH, The Ohio State University
Perception of Cervical Cancer Risk among Ohio Appalachian Women
2. Jessica Citronberg, MPH, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Laxative Type in Relation to Colorectal Cancer Risk
3. Xinwei Hua, MPH, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Surveillance Endoscopy in Relation tot Long-term Survival in the Colon Cancer family Registry
4. Oyewale Shiyanbola, MBBS, MPH, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Emerging Trends in Family History of Breast Cancer and Associated Risk
5. Diana Withrow, PhD, The National Cancer Institute
Risk of Second Malignancies Following Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A SEER Program Population-based Study
ASPO celebrated its 40th anniversary with a gala celebration at the Center for Science and Industry during the annual conference held March 12-15, 2016 at the Blackwell Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The newly renamed Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Alfred I. Neugut, MD, PhD, Columbia University. His presentation was titled: “Clinical vs. Population Scientist: Decision-Making in Cancer”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award, presented for excellence in tobacco research, was presented to Peter G. Shields, MD, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. His presentation was, “Tobacco Research and Regulation: Translational Science Cannot Be More Clear”.
Fifth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Mandeep Virk-Baker, PhD, National Cancer Institute, “Dietary Adequacy among Tobacco User Households in Bangladesh”.
Felisa Gonzales, PhD, National Cancer Institute, “Measurement of Mammography History”
Fifth Annual Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Samuel Antwi, PhD, Mayo Clinic, “Pancreatic Cancer: Associations of Inflammatory Potential of Diet, Cigarette Smoking, and Long-standing Diabetes”
2016 ASPO Travel Awards for top-ranked abstracts among junior investigators:
1. Xinwei Hua, MPH, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Pre- and Post-Diagnostic Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Use and Colorectal Cancer Survival in Seattle Colon Cancer Family Registry
2. Jilali Zheng, MPH, University of South Carolina
Association between Post-cancer Diagnosis Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Survival in WHI Observational Study and Dietary Modification Trial
3. Barett Zimmermann, BA, Ohio State University
Perspectives from Healthcare Providers and Women about Completing Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Self-Testing at Home
4. Megan Roberts, PhD, Ohio State University
Point-of-Sale Marketing for a Variety of Tobacco Products in Urban and Rural Ohio
5. Nathan Doogan, PhD, Ohio State University
Cigarette Tax Revenues and Consumption under Current and Minimum-Price Regimes
6. Natalie Hemmerich, JD, Ohio State University
E-cigarette Marketing Online: A Systematic Content Analysis of Manufacturers and Retailers
The 39th annual ASPO meeting was held March 14-17, 20154, on the campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Richard R. Love, MD, MS, Amader Gram, Khulna and Rampal, Bangladesh. His presentation was titled: “Thinking Big, Out of the Box and Deep”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to Cheryl L. Perry, PhD, University Health Sciences Center at Houston. Her presentation was, “Lessons from the Cigarette Century for the Prevention of Cancer”
Fourth Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Kierra Barnett, BS, Ohio State University, “Cervical Cancer Prevention Services at College Health Centers: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs)
Oralia Dominic, PhD, Highmark Health Services, “Impact of a Targeted CRC Screening Intervention Among Latinos in Central Pennsylvania”
Fourth Annual Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Justin Brown, MA, CSC, University of Pennsylvania, “Weight Lifting and Physical Function among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial”
2015 ASPO Travel Awards:
- Vicki Hart, PhD, University of Vermont
The effect of weight change on volumetric measures of mammographic density
- Seungyoung Jung, PhD, University of Maryland
Adolescent endogenous sex hormones and breast density in early adulthood
- Kelly Kenzik, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Symptoms, weight loss and physical function in a lifestyle intervention study of older cancer survivors
The 38th annual ASPO meeting was held March 8-11, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Robert T. Croyle, PhD, Director of the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. His presentation was titled: “Reflections on 15 Years Behind the Curtain”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to Kasisomayajula “Vish” Viswanath, PhD, Dana Farber cancer Institute. He presented, “Reaching the Hardly Reached: Communication, The Poor and Tobacco Control”
Best Poster Award: Leah Ferrucci, PhD, et al., Yale School of Public Health, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Ultraviolet Radiation-related Behaviors Among Young People after a Diagnosis of Melanoma or Basal Cell Carcinoma”
Second Place Best Poster Award: Cheryl Thompson, PhD, et al., Case Western Reserve University, “Short Sleep Duration – Potential Contributor to Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Phenotypes and Outcomes?”
Third Place Best Poster Award: Andrea Burnett-Hartman, PhD, et al., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, “Short-term Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Colonoscopy Patients with Sessile Serrated Polyps”
Best Trainee/Student Poster Awards:
Lauren E. McCullough, PhD, MSPH, et al., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, “Polymorphisms in DNA Repair and Oxidative Stress May Modify the Body Size-Breast Cancer Association”
Fred Tabung, PhD(c), MSPH, et al., University of South Carolina, “The Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Women”
Melinda Krakow, MA, et al., University of Utah, “Psychosocial Predictors of HPV Vaccination Intentions for Unvaccinated College Women: Religiosity, Morality, Promiscuity, and Cancer Worry”
Third Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Traci Bethea, PhD, Boston University, “Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status in Relation to Cancer Mortality in the Black Women’s Health Study, 1995-2011”
Fred Tabung, PhD©, MSPH, University of South Carolina, “The Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Women”
Third Annual Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Jessica Krok, PhD, The Ohio State University, “Clinic Type and Patient Characteristics Affecting Time to Resolution After an Abnormal Cancer-screening Exam”
Recipient of ASPO/BCRF Fellowship Award: Maria Azrad, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Research Topic: Longitudinal analyses of racial differences in adiposity, hormones and glucose metabolism in African- American (AA) and European-American (EA) breast cancer survivors enrolled in a weight loss trial
The 37th annual ASPO meeting was held March 9-12, 2013, at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Polly Newcomb, PhD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Her presentation was titled: “A Call for Sanity in Cancer Prevention Research: We Can’t Keep Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results”
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to David Wetter, PhD, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. He presented, “Using the 3T’s to Address Tobacco-related Disparities”
Best Poster Award: Jennifer, Yeh, PhD, et al., Harvard School of Public Health, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Routine Cardiac Assessment for Childhood Cancer Survivors: Impact of Guidelines on Heart Failure Risk and Overall Survival”
Best Student Poster Awards:
Cindy Blair, PhD, et al., University of Alabama – Birmingham, “Cross-Sectional & Longitudinal Association between Light-intensity Physical Activity & Physical Function among Cancer Survivors”
Jane Montealegre, PhD, et al., University of Texas Health Sciences Center, “Self-Sample Human Papillomavirus Testing among Underscreened Latina Immigrant Women as a Triage Method for Cytology”
Second Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society) went to:
Shaneda Warren Andersen, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Bettina Drake, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
Second Annual Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO) was awarded to:
Hazel B. Nichols, PhD, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences
The 36th annual ASPO meeting was held March 3-6, 2012, at the Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, a poster session and reception, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, a new investigator workshop, and junior and senior member sessions.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Electra D. Paskett, PhD, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her presentation was titled: “The Science of Cancer Health Disparities: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to Stephen Hecht, PhD, University of Minnesota. He presented, “Tobacco Smoke Biomarkers and Cancer Risk in the Shanghai Cohort Study”.
Best Poster Award:
Halcyon Skinner, PhD, et al., University of Wisconsin-Madison, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for his poster titled “Telomere Length, Telomere Maintenance Genes, and Family History of Colorectal Cancer”.
Honorable Mention Poster Honors:
J. Yeh, PhD, et al., Harvard School of Public Health, “Estimated Impact of Risk Factors Trends on Past and Future U.S. Noncardia Intestinal Gastric Adenocarcinoma Incidence”
Jessica Chubak, PhD, et al., Group Health Research Institute,“Comparing Uptake of Fecal Occult Blood Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial”.
Best student Poster Awards:
Teri Malo, PhD, et al., H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, “CHPV Vaccine Recommendation at Three and Five Years Post-Vaccine Licensure: A National Survey of Physicians”
Clare Stevens, MPH, et al., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, “HPV Knowledge, HPV Vaccine Awareness and Initiation Among Hispanics”.
First Annual Calle/Rodriguez Minority Travel Awards for a Top-Ranked Abstract (sponsored by the American Cancer Society):
Arelis Martir-Negron, MD, City of Hope
Iman Martin, PhD, MPH, MS, University of Illinois-Chicago
Inaugural Electra Paskett Annual Scholarship Award (sponsored by ASPO):
Xuehong Zhang, MD, ScD, Harvard University
The 35th annual ASPO meeting was held March 5-8, 2011 and was a great success! In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, 2 poster presentations and receptions, a workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, and a gala dinner to celebrate ASPO’s 35 years.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Patricia A. Ganz, MD, UCLA Schools of Medicine and Public Health. Her presentation was titled: “Cancer Prevention in Patients and Survivors”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to Alexander Prokhorov, MD, PhD, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. He presented,“Tobacco Control in Youth: the Essential Ingredients”.
Best Poster Award:
Elizabeth Ryan, PhD, et al., Colorado State University, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Dietary Changes in microbial metabolism for Colon Cancer Control and Prevention”.
Three Travel Awards were given to top abstracts attending both the ASPO meeting and NCI Multilevel Intervention across the Cancer Care Continuum Conference:
Jesse Plasack, PhD, et al., The Ohio State University, “An Investigation of the Association Between Glioma and Socioeconomic Status: Effects of Group-level Spatial Autocorrelation” ;
Brandy-Jo Milliron et al., Wake Forest University School of Medicine, “Effects of a Point-of-Purchase Healthy Shopping Intervention on Shopping Basket Nutrient Content: A Randomized Controlled Trial” ; and
Min Lian, PhD, et al., Washington University St. Louis, “Geographic Disparity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Survival: A Prospective Multilevel Study”.
Honorable Mention Poster Honors:
Katie Devine, PhD, et al., University of Rochester, “Comparison of the Problems Experienced by Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Mothers of Children Recently Diagnosed with Cancer” ;
Andrea Floyd, PhD, et al., East Tennessee State University, “Associations Among Relationship Strength, Sexual Functioning and Distress in Women Diagnosed with Cancer during Young Adulthood” ; and
G. Quinn, et al., “What is a biobank and do they have a drive-through?”.
Best student Poster Awards:
1) Rebecca Campo, PhD, et al., University of Utah, “Communication Preferences and Challenges Regarding BRCA2 and BRCA2 Risk Assessment and Genetic Counseling” ;
2) Suguna Badiga, et al., University of Alabama – Birmingham, “Higher Folate and Risk of Cervical pre-cancer in the absence of DHFR 19 bp Del/Del genotype” ; and
3) Lucas N. Wassira, et al., UN- Las Vegas, “The Determinants of Colorectal Cancer Survival Disparities”.
The ASPO meeting held in Bethesda, MD, March 21-23, 2010, was a rousing success. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations, poster reception, workshop for associate directors and program leaders of cancer prevention and control, and a wonderful social mixer.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Paul F. Engstrom, MD, Fox Chase Cancer Center. His presentation was titled:“Cancer Prevention and Control Research: Four Decades of Progress”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented to Jasjit Ahluwalia, MD, MPH, University of Minnesota Medical School. He discussed,“Tobacco Dependence and Smoking Cessation in African-Americans – Some Answers, Many Questions”
Best Poster Award:
Anne Kirchhoff, PhD, et al., University of Washington, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Occupational Status of Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study”.
Honorable Mention Poster Honors:
Alexander Prokhorov, MD, PhD, et al., UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, “Eliminating Secondhand Smoke Exposure from Mexican-American Households: Outcomes from Project CLEAN AIR – SAFE AIR (CASA)”;
Linda Patrick-Miller, PhD, et al., UMDNJ, “When Parents Disclose BRCA1/2 Test Results: Their Perceptions of Offspring Response”; and
Melany Cueva, EdD, Alaska Native Tribal Consortium, “It is a Topic Not to be Quiet About”.
Best Student Poster Awards:
1) Sara Schonfeld, PhD, et al., National Cancer Institute, “The Effect of Changing Breast Cancer Incidence Rates on the Calibration of the Gail Model”; and
2) Catherine Richards, PhD, et al., Columbia University, “Neighborhood Socio-Econimic Status and Individual Smoking Status Interact to Predict PAH-DNA Adduct Levels in Prostate Tissue”.
Abundant sunshine and warm temperatures made for a very enjoyable ASPO meeting held in Tampa, Florida, March 8-10, 2009. In addition to the previously publicized symposia, there were special presentations and a wonderful social mixer complete with steel drummers!
The Presidential Address was given by outgoing ASPO President James Marshall, PhD, of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. His talk was titled, “Epidemiology: Keeping an Eye on the Ball”.
The Distinguished Achievement Award was presented to Mitchell H. Gail, MD, PhD, of the National Cancer Institute. His presentation was titled: “Risk Models and Breast Cancer Prevention”.
The Joseph W. Cullen Award was presented posthumously to Ronald Davis, MD, Director, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Immediate Past President of the American Medical Association.
Best Poster Award:
Kara Leventhal, PhD, et al., Georgetown University, was the winner of the Best Poster Award for her poster titled “Predictors of Cancer Risk Assessment Accuracy in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients”. Honorable Mention went to: Pascal Jean-Pierre, PhD, andOxana Palesh, PhD, both of the University of Rochester. Titles of their Posters respectively were: Effect of Paxil on Memory Problems in 781 Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A URCC CCOP Study; and Depression, Fatigue and Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm among Cancer Patients, Caregivers and Older Adults .
Best student Poster Awards:
1) Hui Zhao, PhD, et al., UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, “Genetic polymorphisms of ADPRT, XRCC1, and APE1 and levels of in vitro BPDE–induced DNA adducts in healthy controls“; and 2) Michelle Janelsins, PhD, et al. , University of Rochester, “Tai Chi Chuan Alters Insulin and Related Molecules in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Pilot Study “.
Brian Sprague, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Madison, is the recipient of the Prevent Cancer Foundation Fellowship sponsored by ASPO and the Prevent Cancer Foundation and and funded by the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The title of his research is ““Modifiable risk factors for second breast cancer events after a diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCISl”.
Educational Workshops were again offered at ASPO this year. They included:
1) Research Methodology for Cancer Prevention Intervention Studies, Instructor: Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH, and 2) Using Bioinformatics Tools to Interpret and design Molecular Epidemiology Studies , Instructor: David Fenstermarcher, PhD.
List of ASPO Presidents since founded in 1976
1976-1979: Daniel Miller
1979-1981: Nathaniel Berlin
1981-1983: Joseph Fraumeni
1983-1985: Anthony Miller, MD, FRCP
1985-1987: Nicholas Petrakis
1987-1989: David Schottenfeld
1989-1991: Tom London
1991-1993: Tom Moon
1993-1995: Ellen Gritz
1995-1997: Richard R. Love
1997-1999: Margaret Spitz
1999-2001: Alfred I. Neugut
2001-2003: Mary Daly
2003-2005: Robert Hiatt
2005-2007: Melissa Bondy
2007-2009: James Marshall
2009-2011: Electra D. Paskett
2011-2013: Peter Shields
2013-2015: Wendy Demark-Wahnefried
2015-2017: Polly Newcomb
2017-2019: Peter Kanetsky
2019-2021: Karen Basen-Engquist
2021-2023: Elena Martinez
Joseph W. Cullen Memorial Award
ASPO’s Joseph W. Cullen Memorial Award was conceived a year after Dr. Joseph Cullen’s tragic and untimely death, as a way to memorialize his unparalleled contributions to national Tobacco control. As Program Coordinator for the National Cancer Institute’s Smoking Tobacco and Cancer Program from 1982 to 1989, Joe Cullen architected the largest tobacco intervention and control program launched anywhere in the world. The award is to recognize distinguished achievement in continued national tobacco control efforts, through research, through the development of prevention and cessation programs with wide-reaching public health impact, or through public policy and advocacy initiatives. It is also to recognize and honor individual’s whose leadership, like Dr. Cullen’s, is exemplified by a commitment to fostering collaboration among the wide network of basic and behavioral scientists, health care professionals and public health advocates involved in the fight against tobacco and tobacco-related disease.
Nominees for the award are solicited from the ASPO membership.
1992 Ellen Gritz
1993 Thomas Glynn
1994 Tracy Orleans
1995 Donald Shopland
1996 Michael Fiore
1997 Edward Lichtenstein
1998 Jack Henningfield
1999 John Pierce
2000 Susan Curry
2001 David Burns
2002 Jonathan Samet
2003 K. Michael Cummings
2004 Caryn Lerman
2005 Stanton Glantz
2006 Gary Giovino
2007 Michael Thun
2008 David Abrams
2009 Ronald Davis (posthumously)
2010 Jasjit Ahluwalia
2011 Alex Prokhorov
2012 Stephen Hecht
2013 Dave Wetter
2014 “Vish” Viswanath
2015 Cheryl Perry
2016 Peter Shields
2017 Kurt Ribisl
2018 Thomas Brandon
2019 James Sargent
2020 Paul Cinciripini
2021 Carolyn “Bo” Aldigé
2022 Thomas Eissenberg
2023 Vani Nath Simmons
2024 Matthew Carpenter
The ASPO Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr. Distinguished Achievement Award is given annually to an outstanding scientist in the area of preventive oncology, cancer control and/or cancer prevention. This Awardee has made substantial research contributions of depth and breadth. In the evaluation process, consideration also is given to contributions by the Awardee to ASPO. The award was renamed for Dr. Fraumeni in 2016.
1983 Michael Shimkin
1984 Ernst Wynder
1985 Sam Shapiro
1986 William Haenszel
1987 Lester Breslow
1988 Nicholas Petrakis
1989 Alfred Knudson
1990 Saxon Graham
1991 Barbara Hulka
1992 David Schottenfeld
1993 Joseph Fraumeni
1994 Anthony Miller
1995 Pelayo Correa
1996 Walter Willett
1997 Barbara Rimer
1998 Peter Greenwald
1999 J. Potter/W.Ki Hong
2000 Margaret Spitz
2001 I.B. Weinstein/Ellen Gritz
2002 Robert Hoover
2003 Leslie Bernstein
2004 Dave Alberts
2005 Graham Colditz
2006 Frank Meyskens
2007 Bernard Levin
2008 Malcolm C. Pike
2009 Mitchell Gail
2010 Paul Engstrom
2011 Patricia Ganz
2012 Electra Paskett
2013 Polly Newcomb
2014 Bob Croyle
2015 Richard R. Love
2016 Alfred I. Neugut
2017 Tim Rebbeck
2018 Beti Thompson
2019 Anna Giuliano
2020 Jeanne Mandelblatt
2021 Lucile Adams-Campbell
2022 Scarlett Lin Gomez
2023 Wendy Demark-Wahnefried
Distinguished Service Awards are given periodically to those individuals who have gone above and beyond in their service to the Society. They include:
1986: William Haenszel
1990: John Weisburger
1994: Richard R. Love
1996: Alfred I. Neugut
2006: Carolyn Aldigé
2015: Amy Trentham-Dietz
2019: Heidi Sahel
2021: Robert Croyle