Claims-based frailty index among childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors in Florida

Authors: Mobley E, Gerard G, Smotherman C, Hudnell T, Fishe J, Anton S, Braithwaite D, Gutter M, Mailhot R, Awad Z, Daly M, Gurka M, Parker A

Category: Survivorship & Health Outcomes/Comparative Effectiveness Research
Conference Year: 2023

Abstract Body:
Purpose: We examined factors associated with frailty using claims and electronic health record data for childhood, adolescent, and young adults (CAYA) diagnosed with cancer prior to age 40 in Florida. Methods: We identified 22,617 CAYAs diagnosed with cancer from the OneFlorida Data Trust who had at least two cancer-related encounters from 2012-2020 (with at least one encounter occurring prior to age 40). Our analysts leveraged claims and electronic health record data to produce the Kim Frailty Index (a deficit-accumulation index score) as our dependent variable. We then employed logistic regression models to estimate the odds ratio (OR; 95% confidence interval, CI) associated with having a frailty index score ≥0.20 (i.e. "frailty

Keywords: survivorship, access to care, frailty, aging