In utero exposure to industrial pollution and childhood cancer risks

Authors: Chen Y; Heck JE

Category: Molecular Epidemiology & Environment
Conference Year: 2023

Abstract Body:
Purpose: To examine the effects of in utero exposure to industrial pollutants on childhood cancer risks. Cases identified from California (CA) Cancer Registry and controls randomly selected from CA Birth Registry (20:1 frequency-matched by birth year) were born after 1998. Our main exposures were listed as pollutants that are high priority for study according to IARC: lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), tetrachloroethylene and 1,1,1- trichloroethane (1,1,1-TCA), while secondary interests were carbon disulfide (CS2) and cobalt. Exposure to industrial chemicals was assessed by Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) releases in ambient air near the home. Using geocoded addresses, we linked the annual release data to each child based on the year of pregnancy. A buffer model was used to assign "ever/never

Keywords: childhood cancer, industrial pollutants, in utero exposure