Nebraska Community Cancer Needs Assessment: Application of Findings to Guide Community Outreach and Engagement to Address Disparities

Authors: Ratnapradipa KL, Dinkel D, Napit K, Robinson T, Schabloske L, McCullough J, Ramos AK, Sallans R, Velasquez N, Watanabe-Galloway S

Category: Cancer Health Disparities
Conference Year: 2023

Abstract Body:
Purpose: Describe the process and outcomes of using a state-wide cancer needs assessment to engage community organizations and researchers to address cancer disparities and improve cancer outcomes in Nebraska. Methods: Buffett Cancer Center (BCC) Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) office: 1) conducted focus groups among rural, African American, Hispanic, American Indian, and LGBTQ community members, and 2) analyzed cancer registry and public health survey data to determine the burden and cancer health disparity issues for the Nebraska population. Results were disseminated widely among researchers and community leaders through infographics, presentations, reports, and peer-reviewed articles. Results: Focus group results indicate that underrepresented community members reported a wide range of barriers to receive timely and quality cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Factors that affect their care seeking behavior differ when comparing rural vs. urban residents and specific racial/ethnic groups. Cancer registry and public health survey findings show a number of disparity issues related to colorectal cancer screening, smoking, and obesity among African American, Hispanic and American Indian residents. The COE office produced individualized reports for recruiting partners and specific population groups as a give-back function so they see the benefit of participating in the future. Cancer researchers and community leaders met and worked together to review the results of the cancer needs assessment to prioritize research and educational focus areas. The group also proposed action steps to reduce cancer disparities among underrepresented population groups. The COE office began implementation of the activities with community and public health partners as well as with BCC researchers. Conclusions: Cancer needs assessment of the catchment area plays an important role in determining the research and outreach priorities for the population. Ongoing assessment of cancer burden and cancer disparities are needed to guide the cancer center's activities.

Keywords: cancer needs assessment, community outreach and engagement, unrepresented populations