Paths to Prevention: The California Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan

Authors: Buermeyer N, Engel C, Nudelman J, Sarantis H, Rasanayagam MS

Category: Culture and Cancer
Conference Year: 2021

Abstract Body:
Breast Cancer Prevention Partners led the development of Paths to Prevention: The California Breast Cancer Primary Prevention Plan for California (Plan). With a strong foundation of science and input from key stakeholders, we created a policy agenda to reduce breast cancer in California. While all states have cancer plans, this project's unique approach: Focuses exclusively on primary prevention of breast cancer. Turns the focus from the individual to societal changes, recommending interventions to address systemic, society-level issues that increase breast cancer risks (i.e., create safe, walkable neighborhoods instead of recommending more physical activity). Incorporates the perspectives of environmental justice communities, understanding that traditional science only presents part of the picture. Of equal importance is data collected directly from highly impacted communities, who understand relevant issues and the community's strengths and barriers to effective change. Foundational scientific documents and stakeholder input identified 23 risk factors, including exposures to toxic chemicals; exposure to ionizing radiation; structural barriers to a healthy diet and activity levels; alcohol consumption and tobacco use; and the impact of racism and poverty on breast cancer risk. For each risk factor, a scoping review of the scientific literature from 2012 to 2018 was conducted, identifying over 2,200 key relevant studies for inclusion in the Plan. To learn from those most directly impacted by the risk factors, listening sessions were conducted around the state, including urban and rural areas, learning from local community members about their experience of risk factors and their priorities for action. Interventions to lower these risk factors were developed with a social and environmental justice frame that permeates the entire Plan. BCPP and stakeholders will work to implement the agenda. While this Plan focuses on California, it provides a road map for other states to prioritize primary prevention of breast cancer and numerous other cancers and health outcomes.

Keywords: Breast Cancer Prevention Systemic interventions