: Development of a Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation Program at the University of Arizona Cancer Center: The REACCH program

Authors: Slack SD, Crane TE, Garland LL, Gordon JS,Thomson CA

Category: Survivorship & Health Outcomes/Comparative Effectiveness Research
Conference Year: 2019

Abstract Body:
Purpose Tobacco use during cancer therapy adversely impacts treatment outcomes and after treatment increases risk of recurrence. In response to the Cancer Moonshot Supplement, the University of Arizona Cancer Center (UACC) in partnership with Banner Health has assembled a multidisciplinary team to design, implement and evaluate a sustainable tobacco cessation program; Responsive Engagement And Cessation in Cancer Health (REACCH). REACCH will be informed by clinical practice guidelines and establish a comprehensive tobacco cessation program to increase tobacco abstinence to improve prognosis after cancer treatment. Methods We have performed an environmental scan of current tobacco cessation practices at the UACC through A SWOT analysis and a Health Center Assessment Tool for Tobacco Use. Metrics for evaluation of program utilization and effectiveness include assessment of tobacco use for all patients per the NCI definition of a smoker and 7-day point prevalence of tobacco use at baseline and 6-month follow-up. We are pilot testing the feasibility and acceptability of the REACCH program within the Lung Clinic at the UACC.Results Current tobacco use rates among UACC patients are estimated at 16%. The environmental scan revealed many opportunities to enhance tobacco cessation activities within the cancer care setting. We have established a team consisting of Banner Health employees and UACC faculty, secured support from UACC leadership, and developed a preliminary workflow for assessing, advising and referring patients who use tobacco to the REACCH program. The REACCH program includes a menu of evidence-based tobacco cessation programs and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). The pilot launch includes testing of a newly established workflow, a dedicated Nurse Practitioner for provision of NRT, and referral to the REACCH team tobacco treatment specialist for the creation of a personalized tobacco cessation plan. Conclusions Feedback from this pilot launch will inform next steps and program changes prior to implementation in the remaining UACC disease team clinics. Clinic-based efforts will be complemented with EHR and environmental (resource information, pharmaceutical supports, etc.) changes to reinforce tobacco abstinence messaging in the context of cancer care

Keywords: Smoking Cessation, Cancer Survivorship