Special Interest Groups

The American Society of Preventive Oncology has eight Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which focus on key areas of cancer prevention and control research. SIGs host regular webinars, collaborate on research and innovations in their focus area, and use email, Slack, and social media to exchange ideas.

Members can join SIGs when they join ASPO, when they renew their memberships, or by emailing the National Office.

Interested in being a SIG Leader? Email the National Office to express interest.

To understand human behavioral processes using multidisciplinary theories and methods to inform the development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of effective cancer prevention and control efforts. Additionally, this SIG supports cancer communication research in media, clinical, and public health contexts. 

Chair: Linda Ko, PhD       Vice Chair: Carolyn Heckman, PhD

The role of genetics, epigenetics, tumor markers, metabolomics, environmental factors, and individual behaviors and their interplay in cancer prevention, etiology, progression, and outcomes of individuals and populations.

Chair: Sheetal Hardikar, PhD, MBBS       Vice Chair: Humberto Parada, PhD, MPH

The role of tobacco, nutrition, physical activity, and energy imbalance in cancer causation, progression, and outcomes. It also considers the potential benefits, harms, and risks associated with dietary interventions, exercise regimens, smoking cessation, and chemopreventive agents in reducing cancer risks in the general population or high-risk subsets.

Chair: Adriana Coletta, PhD, MS, RD     Co-chair: Lin Yang

Examining the physical, psychological, social and economic effects of cancer among patients and their families; and the outcomes of particular cancer care practices and interventions, including quality of life as well as mortality. This SIG also brings together scientists seeking to inform clinical decisions by providing evidence on the effectiveness, costs, benefits and harms of different survivorship care options.

Chair: Erin Mobley, PhD, MPH    Co-Chair: Kimberly Miller, PhD

Examining the causes of disparities in cancer risk factors and outcomes among population groups. This SIG is also committed to developing and evaluating interventions to reduce and eliminate the unequal burden of cancer.

Chair: Arnethea Sutton, PhD      Vice Chair: Bonnie Qin, PhD

Research in screening modalities to enhance the early detection of cancer through imaging, cytology, blood biomarkers, and endoscopy. This SIG also brings together scientists studying the overall population effectiveness of screening through research on optimal timing and frequency of population-based screening. This SIG is also committed to evaluating new technologies within the context of existing methods through comparing overall effectiveness, coverage, and impact on subsequent diagnosis and treatment. Research also focuses on the use of risk models and other methods to risk stratify to enhance screening efforts.

Chair: Andrea Burnett Hartman, PhD, MP  Vice-Chair: Rasmi Nair, MBBS, PhD

To bring together junior faculty and pre and postdoctoral fellows focusing on careers in cancer prevention. The purpose of the SIG is to provide educational sessions focused on career development including topics on grant writing and peer review, research and service, finding a job, and developing collaborations and research teams.  The SIG sponsors lunches and workshops and networking opportunities.

Chair: Saira Khan, PhD, MPH    Vice-Chair: Justin Moore, PhD, MPH

To foster scientific collaborations on global cancer research among ASPO members, and develop connections with US and non-U.S. based researchers to facilitate innovative cancer research projects in international settings. To contribute to the dissemination and implementation of global cancer prevention strategies, and to serve as a resource for ASPO members on global cancer research. To provide guidance to ASPO’s Executive Committee and its SIGs as necessary to better inform discussions related to cancer research in international settings. To support the overall mission of ASPO by supporting the continuous professional development of members involved in global cancer prevention and control, and to facilitate the exchange and translation of scientific information to reduce the cancer burden globally.

Chair: Kelly Kohler, PhD, MSPH

The goal of the Mid-Career SIG is to develop and connect ASPO members with information, resources, and support to help them thrive personally and professionally at mid-career. Potential topics include building and maintaining a research portfolio, managing teams, navigating administrative roles, and working in a way that is sustainable long term. We welcome volunteers and suggestions for additional resources and content.

Chair: Theresa Hastert, MPP